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Category Archives: groupprops

Q&A versus reference sites


Stack Exchange is a hub of vertical (domain-specific) question and answer sites (including programming, system administration,

MediaWiki upgrades, single question surveys


I’ve upgraded all the wikis to MediaWiki 1.16.2, the latest stable release of MediaWiki. On Groupprops, I am introducing, currently in experimental form, “single question surveys” which will be of many types. These are expandable single question surveys advertised at the top of the page. Clicking on the “SHOW MORE” button expands to show the […]

Recent improvements


The subject wikis are being upgraded to MediaWiki 1.16.0beta (see here for the security release). The high traffic wikis have already been upgraded; others should be upgraded in a few days. We’re also upgrading to Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.0. The default skin on the upgraded wikis is the “Vector” skin, which is the same as Wikipedia’s […]

Page design changes


Over the last few months, there have been some changes in page design on the subject wikis, with more changes scheduled for the coming months. Most of these changes have, as of now, been limited to Groupprops, but the ones that seem to be working well are being incorporated in other wikis as well. One […]

Top hundred cities for Groupprops


It’s both interesting and inspiring to know that content in Groupprops is being used (and hopefully liked) by people in many different regions of the world. Of course, both the choice of subject matter (i.e., group theory) and the choice of language medium (English, with a bias towards American spelling) limit the usefulness of the […]

Proof style in the math subject wikis


Proofs are one of the defining features of mathematical content: practically any mathematical work is considered incomplete without a proof. A “proof” of a mathematical fact is a clear explanation of why the fact is true, starting from some previous known facts and agreed-upon definitions. When I initially started up Groupprops, my idea was to […]

Short survey added


I’ve created a short survey on Groupprops. A link to the survey comes up randomly in the sitenotice on Groupprops, so I’m hoping that people who visit the site will click on the link and fill the survey. This is a very preliminary survey, and is my first experience with surveys, so I’ll use this […]

Usage analysis on Groupprops


The Group Properties Wiki has been at its new location since around May 2008, and Google Analytics has been operational on it since May 10. Using Google Analytics, I’ve been able to get a fairly good idea of what pages people prefer when they visit Groupprops, how they use the website, and how to make […]