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MediaWiki upgrades, single question surveys

I’ve upgraded all the wikis to MediaWiki 1.16.2, the latest stable release of MediaWiki.

On Groupprops, I am introducing, currently in experimental form, “single question surveys” which will be of many types. These are expandable single question surveys advertised at the top of the page. Clicking on the “SHOW MORE” button expands to show the question. After the user selects an option and submits, the user is told the correct answer as well as how many people chose which option.

The complete collection of surveys can be viewed at this wiki page.

Pop quiz questions in group theory

The purpose of these is to stimulate interest in the group theory material on the website. The questions are generally of moderate difficulty for people who already know the material. They contain links to the relevant pages. After selecting an answer, users get to know the correct answer, as well as how many people selected each answer option.

These questions could be a window both into group theory and into the material available on the website. I’m hoping that they will convert some casual visitors into large depth visitors, as they discover more relevant content on the website.

As of now, there are four pop quiz questions, but I plan to considerably expand into a wider range of questions. As of now, all these questions are included in the site notice, and there is no wisdom in the choice of question relative to the pages the user is seeing right now. Later, some questions may be embedded inside pages too so that users see questions that are more relevant to what they are currently learning.

Single question user profile surveys

There is only one such survey currently — a survey asking for the user’s profile in background knowledge of group theory:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

This survey was created January 19 and the question had a response rate of about 1-3 responses per day over the last couple of weeks.

Feedback questions

These are questions about what people thought/think about the material on the website, and whether it addressed the questions they originally had. There’s only one such question right now:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.